+1 (888) 236-7500

Frequently asked questions from clients:

How do I forward and unforward my calls to you?

There are several ways to call-forward depending on your telephone service provider and office set up. Please check with your telephone service provider to know what options are available to you.

To forward your calls- Using the phone you want to forward, dial *72 and enter the 10-digit number that SmartPhone Secretary provided to you. Listen for a tone or confirmation that call forwarding is activated and hang up. If you hear ringing, please wait for your line to be answered by a SmartPhone Secretary agent to ensure your call forwarding is activated.  (Most providers use *72, if this does not work for you, contact your telephone service provider to know which code to use to activate call forwarding) It is advised to make a test call to ensure call forwarding is on.

To unforward your calls- Using the phone you want to unforward, dial *73. Listen for a tone or confirmation that call forwarding has been deactivated and hang up. (Most providers use *73, if this does not work for you, contact your telephone service provider to know which code to use to deactivate call forwarding) It is advised to make a test call to ensure call forwarding is off.

Are you able to forward or un-forward my calls?

No. Unfortunately, SmartPhone Secretary does not have control over your forwarding features. You will need to contact your phone provider.

Can I change the on-call person at the last minute?

Yes. From time to time, on-call schedules change—that's just reality.
At SmartPhone Secretary, you can adjust your schedule using our online portal, where you can make these changes yourself.
If you prefer, we can do it for you. Email, fax, or call to advise the receptionists of the change.

Do I need to inform you if I need to transfer my calls unexpectedly?

No. However, it is always best to give us a little notice if you have a change in your office hours due to holidays, etc.. 

What if my call volume changes during the year? Can I change my plan?

Yes. You can adjust your call plan to your call volume anytime.

What if I have a question or concern regarding my account and need to speak with a supervisor?

Call 888-710-2337 and ask to speak with a supervisor day or night. Our supervisors are available to you 24/7/365.